Instructions for installing Squid Proxy

Squid Proxy is a cache that fully supports popular protocols such as HTPS,HTTPS,FTP, which is placed in front of the web server and improves the speed and performance of the web server by caching these repeated requests. iterate and filter web traffic.

Install Squid

Step 1: To install squid use the command

yum install squid

and press y to agree to install

Step 2: Then start the service with the command

systemctl start squid

Step 3: Start squid with the server using the command

systemctl enable squid

Step 4: To test use the command

systemctl status squid

Step 5: Go to the config file using the command

vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

Step 6: Allow ip ranges to use squid proxy using the command

acl localnet src ip

Step 7: Enable more secure ports to access via Squid proxy similar to for web port connection using command

acl Safe_ports port 80

Step 8: The default port of squid proxy is 3128, you can change another port

Step 9: To create a login account for Squid proxy install the necessary tools using the command

yum – y install httpd-tools

Step 10: To create a file and assign permissions to the file use the command

touch /etc/squid/passwd && chown squid /etc/squid/passwd

Step 11: To create a hung user for squid proxy use the command

htpasswd /etc/squid/passwd hung 

Step 12: go to the config file of squid proxy and add user authentication configuration commands

Step 13: To restart squid proxy service use command

systemctl restart squid

Step 14: To block any web when using proxy use command

vi /etc/squid/blocked_sites

and add to site then save and exit

Step 15: Go to the squid config file and add the web block file path using the command

acl blocked_sites dstdomain “/etc/ squid/blocked_sites”

http_access deny blocked_sites

Step 16: Then save and restart squid proxy using command

Systemctl restart squid

Step 17: Go to the client, connect to the proxy and check

Step 18: Check the connection of blocked websites


We have just completed the steps of installing and configuring our own squid proxy server, where we can manage ips and websites when connecting to the server.

Thank you for reading.

Bé Snake